
The IGS North-South offers courses within these different modules:

  • Disciplinary and Thematic Module (DTM)
    Disciplinary, thematic, and methodological courses, offered by the four partner institutions
  • Integrative Module (IM)
    Summer School with annually rotating focus, according to partner institutions
  • Communication and Publication Module (CPM)
    Scientific and non-scientific, transdisciplinary skills
  • External Credits (EC)
    Equivalent courses outside IGS North-South institutes, Conferences

Coursework requirements

A full member in the IGS North-South is required to obtain at least 12 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits of the course programme and will receive the Certificate of Specialization in Sustainable Development.

A limited number of ECTS from external courses can also be credited pending approval by the IGS North-South Directorate.

A full member will collect 12 ECTS as follows:

  • Minimum of 3 ECTS from the Disciplinary and Thematic module (DTM), whereby students must attend at least one block course of 1.5 ECTS at an IGS North-South partner institute (outside the home institute)
  • Minimum of 5 ECTS from the Integrative module (IM)
  • 4 ECTS according to choice from:
    • Disciplinary and thematic module (DTM)
    • Integrative module (IM)
    • Communication and publication module (CPM)
    • External credits (maximum of 2 ECTS credited for certificate)

An associate member receives a confirmation of participation in individual courses. There is no minimum requirement of ECTS credits.

Register for courses via IGS North-South Management Centre ( unless noted otherwise.